Thursday, July 21, 2011

Preparing for a wedding

Many months ago when I first took the reservation for this weekend's wedding, I knew it would take extra preparation. We are going to be in Gloucester, and will cross the bridge from the boulevard over to Stage Fort Park for the ceremony. Locals will know that means crossing the drawbridge called "the cut", a place where pleasure boats come through from the Annisquam side of town and head out past the Eastern Point light into the ocean. I have been to the bridge now several times with Curley, once parked there so he could listen to the sound of the tires on the metal grid bridge while eating treats, and another time to actually walk him across. You can see the water through the grid below. I expect we will be fine with our helper, Wendy, at Curley's head as she was during our prep visit.
The carriage is clean, the harness has been polished, the decorations attached t the carriage, our dress shoes polished. There still remains the time consuming task of cleaning Curley, which we have to wait to do on Saturday, along with loading everything onto the trailer. I am excited!!



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