Monday, August 09, 2010

Thanks to some young horse lovers, I've discovered a new route for my little carriage in Rockport: we go right down the farm lane and look at all the horses out to pasture. It's neat to see them in their herd and to talk about horse behavior. The bucolic dirt road is only 10 minutes from the center of town. Visitors staying for a week can arrange to have a riding lesson at Seaview Farm as well.


Sunday, August 01, 2010

After a long hiatus of several weeks, Curley was back in Salem over the weekend. Finally there was weather cool and dry enough to make it possible to work. On Saturday we used the wagonette and gave a family from Pennsylvania an hour's tour at dusk- a nice lantern' lit ride.
Sunday we were back at the carriage stand in front of Salem Laundry, and we met a number of nice folks, including this family from Topsfield, who saw the carriage pass the restaurant where they were having lunch, and then tracked us down in their car for a digestive tour.
