Monday, June 28, 2010

We did our first wedding in Rockport this weekend, with a special ride for the bride and her father to the Headlands for an outdoor ceremony. Congratulations to all!
Later, we dropped some passengers off for a concert at the new music hall in town, the Shalin Liu Performance Center, a gorgeous spot right on the water.


Sunday, June 20, 2010


McKenzie and Allie had a big surprise when Curley and I pulled up in front of their house yesterday. What a nice way for Auntie to congratulate them on graduation and birthday milestones. Look how stylish they are! We went down to the center of Rockport and did the "royal wave" all through town!


Friday, June 04, 2010

Bill and Debra were the lucky couple, enjoying a midlife romance, and given a special lantern lit ride by their families as a gift.
I've received a thank you note saying "The carriage ride was a big hit. By the time they got back they were so relaxed and they acted like little kids."
One hour being rocked in a carriage with your honey will engender wonderful things!