Wednesday, October 21, 2009

This past weekend, in the thick of all the Halloween excitement, love was in the air. I had three weddings to service with my carriage, and thankfully, only one had any rain to contend with. On Friday, Dakota and Faye were congratulated by hundreds of rush hour commuters who saw their "Just Married" sign and their festive attire. On Saturday, Meghan and Joe enjoyed a lantern lit ride from church to their reception at the Peabody Essex Museum. And on Sunday, Kim and Russ experienced showers of blessings as they made their way from church to Hamilton Hall. You can just get a glimpse of the covered carriage behind Robert and the umbrella.


Sunday, October 04, 2009

I have had several really nice seaside rides in Rockport recently. The first was for a lovely couple staying at the Inn on Cove Hill, where Besty is a fabulous innkeeper and a big booster for Curley and me. Here we are at the bend in the road on Marmion Way, looking out at Straismouth Island. Rob is at the reins.

The second ride was for my awesome volunteer, Joyce, and her friend, whose birthday we were celebrating. I picked them up at the 11:20 train, and then got them back for a 2:00 departure, with time for a ride and a seaside picnic at Old Garden Beach.
Curley had time to munch on the lawn during our picnic, and a good time was had by all.
