Friday, August 14, 2009

A horse for my very own!......Well, nearly.
Kim and Kiana organized a big party at their house, and just HAD to have Curley attend, with his carriage. We enjoyed a lovely evening giving rides to the guests in the quiet neighborhood. A light fog drifted off the horse as his body heat reacted with the cooling evening temperature. Have you ever smelled that hot horse scent? It has a romance all its own.
At the end of the evening, Kiana helped me tuck Curley back into the trailer for his ride home to Rockport. Rob and I led him down the long road out to the field. It had rained very hard the day before, and the little pond was so high that it was rushing over the dirt track. In the dark it sounded like Niagra Falls! We luckily had boots on, for in leading Curley home we waded through 10 inches of water. The flashlight we use to watch our step revealed all sorts of swimming pond creatures, taking a chance to swim on top of the road. A magical evening, thanks to Kim's hard work getting our carriage moved to Beverly for the party.