Sunday, September 20, 2009

Who's this in front of my house? My landscaper! This guy really knows how to mow my lawn....
Passers by in downtown Salem will do a double take as they drive down Crombie Street and see a horse in the yard. No one seems to mind our presence, but it is not legal for Curley to stay here overnight. We have a good friend in south Salem who has invited Curley to do his lawn on an overnight basis, and we go there every couple of weeks, when we are in town doing reserved rides.
Curley really loves his big pasture at Seaview Farm in Rockport, where he hangs out with the retired carriage horses from Boston. But being able to sleep over in Salem really cuts down on the amount of trailer riding time for him, and saves me a lot of gas money. We are indebted to Judy and Steph for the safe, peaceful yard.



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